Monday, July 11, 2011

A farm in Tokyo 23 wards

I'm living at the west edge of Suginami ward, Tokyo.
Suginami is one of Tokyo 23 wards, and they are recognized as city center of Tokyo.

Every day, I buy vegetables at a unattended service stand of a farm near from my home.

This is very little farm around 0.5 acres, and an old farmer (90 years old ) and his son are culturing it.

It was late afternoon, so most of vegetables were sold, but there were some fresh ones.

This farm's vegetables are fresh, cheap and very delicious.
The only problem is they are odd-shaped from standard of Japanese vegetables, but to eat, we cut or slice them to very far from their original shape.
So I don't mind the odd shape of the vegetables, but in Japan, ordinary people like "beautiful" vegetables ordered like industrial products.
So people go to supermarkets 5 minutes walk from this farm and buy "beautiful" but not delicious and expensive vegetables at there,

There are many farms like this in Tokyo. And in Nerima ward (one of Tokyo 23 ward, next to Suginami ), there is a pasture. Cows are farmed there and fresh milk is sold in Tokyo 23 wards!

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